what people are saying
“Once she helps you through the examination process, Renae assists in improving on the focused areas that matter most. Over the past 12 years, she has assisted our company in the areas of marketing, planning, finance and overall operations and the end results have been continued growth and success.”
~ Client & CEO, G. L. Berg Entertainment
“With Renae’s efficiency comes her very thorough, detail-oriented approach to all tasks, an approach that asks the tough questions, challenges the norms, and leads with a sense of logic … I know that Renae always gives honest advice that is grounded in ethics and also practical business sense. Renae is highly motivated, and is a born leader who knows the importance of listening and creating a team environment, where everyone’s voice is valid.”
~ A. W., Former employee and nonprofit Director of Development
“Renae has always been driven to seek knowledge, a deeper understanding of the world, and has superior insight to making this a better state and world in which to live. She is both intelligent and strategic in her thinking. She takes seriously her studies and preparation before she speaks and teaches others. I have always been impressed at the manner in which she treats people with respect and dignity. She has a great ability to listen to people and then facilitate a consensus strategy solution.”
~ Client & CEO, Dean Elton Johnson Bringing People Together, Inc.
as an owner of three small businesses
- Served as COO and CFO, increased sales 59% over five years and increased net profit each year at a double-digit growth rate
- Managed QuickBooks for three business with yearly sales ranging from $100,000 to $5,000,000
- Managed payroll functions, including state and federal reporting functions
- Prepared financial records for tax accountants
- Led marketing and public relations efforts
- Created business-related curriculums for a national nonprofit organization’s website
as a part of management staff for nonprofit organizations and /governmental agencies
- Assisted municipalities, schools, and counties in implementing successful economic development and education programs
- Efforts enabled county agency to receive “Outstanding County Award for Economic Development” from the National Association of Counties for youth entrepreneurship program
- Partnered to initiate successful industry start-up and expansion programs
as an expert on organizational efficiency
- Facilitated strategic planning efforts for nonprofit and for profit organizations
- Through writing business plans, helped nonprofit organizations receive full grant funding
- Drafted marketing plans for nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses resulting in increased sales and customer base
- Analyzed financial statements, conducted site visits and prepared write-ups for loan clients of nonprofit lending program
- Provided specific onsite technical assistance on business topics to dozens of nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses
- Completed market research/feasibility study for nonprofit organization looking to make an expansion decision
- Performed evaluation of nonprofit programming
as director of economic advancement, business, and loan programs
- Provided leadership for programs, including design, implementation, and evaluation of organizational and regional initiatives as well as oversight of loan program staff
- Secured financial resources, developed partnerships, and managed economic development program dollars including a $3 million multi-source revolving loan pool and equity investment technology development fund
- Served as liaison between advisory committees and board of directors
- Developed and implemented policies and procedures, new grant programs, and evaluation tools to measure progress toward strategic goals
- Facilitated networking groups and strategic planning sessions
- Developed partnerships with local resources to raise program investment dollars
as a business education instructor
- Developed curriculum and implemented new courses in international business, computer applications, entrepreneurship, business communications, ethics, and time management
- Wrote and received grants to develop four high-school programs including entrepreneurship, apprenticeship and school-to-work
- Initiated, implemented, and coordinated program for a youth apprenticeship program for construction industries including recruiting local industry representatives to serve as program partners and worksite hosts and working with state apprenticeship representatives to certify program
- Worked with a sheriff’s department to develop and coordinate a program for at-risk students to learn about entrepreneurship, recruit an advisory board from business and community leaders, facilitated advisory meetings, and developed curriculum and facilitated classroom sessions so students would learn how to write and present a business plan to a group of investors
- Brought entrepreneurship students to the state capitol to testify at a Minnesota State Senate Education Committee hearing
Core Value Consulting services are available by the hour, per project, or on a retainer basis.
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